Error 619 is a common error if you have anything blocking your connection to us. The connection is likely being blocked by one of the following;
1) Your Firewall on your computer.
2) A Firewall on your router.
3) By your internet service provider.
All three of these issues are rectifiable, we would normally recommend that you initially disable your local Firewall, this will be a product like Norton, MaCafee's or AVG. Follow the step by step instructions below;
1) You are a Windows user so your operating system comes standard with a Windows Firewall, go to System and Security under Control Panel and ensure this is switched on. (The Windows Firewall does not block our connection and provides adequate protection for your computer)
2) Find your Anti Virus/Firewall software under 'all programs'.
3) Within the software look for the Firewall settings and disable the Firewall.
Test to see if the connection now works, If no, then it is likely to be one of the other reasons, these are more complicated to resolve but are resolvable. Before you do this we recommend you install our OPEN VPN connection that works around these issues and will prove that it is one of the above causing the problem, go to our set-up page to get instruction on how to install OPEN VPN.